Filmy Termoklejące

Techniczna termozgrzewalna folia Firmy PROCHIMIR jest związkiem modyfikowanych polimerów jak wysoko gęste EVA i terpolimery, TPU, kopoliestry lub kopoliamidy.

Materiały te są formułowane i współwytłaczane aby zapewnić doskonałą przyczepność do materiałów klienta, dzięki czemu mogą odpowiedzieć na wiele problematyk klejenia w zależności czy substraty są polarne lub niepolarne.

Wytrzymałość na skubanie, odporność na migracje, odporność na temperaturę, odporność na hydrolizę, odporność na cięcie, lepkość, wytrzymałość na pranie, rozwiązania są liczne i mogą być połączone.

Probierz nasz katalog     Technologie

Your materials
Textiles Wood Foams Plastics Elastomers Metals
Synthetic fibers Natural fibers Mineral fibers Leather PE PU PE PP ABS PS PET PVC
Our films EVA Good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested Good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested Very good adhesion Good adhesion
PE Good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion To be tested Very good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion To be tested To be tested Good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested Very good adhesion Very good adhesion
PP Good adhesion To be tested Good adhesion / / To be tested Very good adhesion To be tested Very good adhesion / To be tested To be tested / Good adhesion Very good adhesion
TPU Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion Very good adhesion / / Good adhesion To be tested To be tested Very good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested
CoPA Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested Very good adhesion / / Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested
CoPES Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested Good adhesion / / To be tested To be tested Good adhesion Very good adhesion Good adhesion To be tested

Very good adhesion Very good adhesion    Good adhesion Good adhesion    To be tested To be tested

Jednowarstwowe termoklejące Folie

Reference Nature Melting range (°C) Fluidity Washing resistance (°C) Dry cleaning resistance Plasticizers resistance Hydrolysis
thickness (µm)
Structure * Comments
Polyolefins TC 1027 EVA 65-85 High + 25 A High fluidity EVA for
textile applications
TC 1007 EVA 90-95 Medium 60 + 25 A EVA for foam and
metal applications
TC 1500 PE 100-105 Medium 60 + 25 A Versatile PE film with
large bonding range
TC 1700 PE 120-130 Low 60 + 25 A Excellent adhesion on bituminous
heavy layers, metals ans elastomers
TC 3070 PP 130-140 Medium 60 + 30 A Special PP
bonding film
TPU TC 5002 TPU 40-60 Low + 15 A/S Excellent adhesion
on flexible PVC
TC 5006 TPU 70-85 Medium 30 15 A/S Low melting TPU adhesive
for delicate substrates
TC 5009 TPU 100-105 Medium 30 + 15 A/S Versatile TPU bonding film
TC 5011 TPU 115-125 Medium 60 + 15 A – A/S Excellent bonding on PU
foams and textiles
TC 5017 TPU 145-160 Medium 60 + 15 A – A/S Excellent bonding on PU
foams and textiles
CoPA – CoPES TC 203 CoPA 105-115 High 60 + + + 15 A/S Strong adhesive, barrier
to PVC plastiziers
TC 255 CoPA 115-120 High 15 A – A/S Steam activable
TC 420 CoPES 110-125 High 60 + + + 15 A – A/S Strong CoPES

* A : Adhesive B : Barrier S : PE Carrier

Wielowarstwowe termoklejące Folie

Reference Nature Adhesive melting range (°C) Barrier melting range (°C) Fluidity (adhesive layer) Washing resistance (°C) Dry cleaning resistance Plasticizers resistance Hydrolysis
thickness (µm)
Structure * Comments
Polyolefins TC 1027 CX 00 EVA/PE 75-85 120-130 High + 25 A/B – A/B/A Low melting EVA film
with PE barrier
TC 1500 CX 01 PE/PE 100-105 120-130 Medium 60 + 25 A/B – A/B/A General purpose multilayer
PE film
TC 1600 CX 80 PE/CoPA 100-120 210-220 Low 60 + 60 A/B/A High temperature multilayer
film for thermocompression
TC 1600 CX 92 PE/PP 105-110 160-170 Low 60 + 30 A/B – A/B/A Multilayer film with good
elongation properties
TC 3300 CX 18 EVA/PP 80-90 160-170 Medium 60 + 60 A/B Bilayer film with good resistance
to industrial fluids
TC 3300 CX 70 PP/PP 130-140 160-170 Medium 60 + 30 A/B – A/B/A High temperature multilayer film with
good resistance to industrial fluids
TC 5125 CX 18 EVA/TPU 80-90 160-175 Medium 60 25 A/B – A/B/A Strong EVA adhesive with high
temperature TPU barrier
TPU TC 5025 CX 03 TPU/TPU 70-85 160-180 Medium 30 20 A/B – A/B/S Bilayer TPU film for
foam covering
TC 5020 CX 11 TPU/TPU 115-125 145-155 Medium 60 + 40 A/B/A Trilayer TPU film
TC 5563 CX 11 TPU/TPU 115-125 180-185 Medium 60 + 20 A/B Bilayer TPU film with high chemical
resistant Ether barrier
TC 4070 CX 20 TPU/CoPES 145-155 215-225 Medium 60 + 35 A/B – A/B/A TPU adhesive with a stable
CoPES barrier up to 200°C
CoPA TC 203 CX 176 CoPA/PE 115-130 110-120 High/Low 60 + + 25 A/A Specific film to bond ABS / PC
and PA on other substrates
TC 5526 CX 205 CoPA/TPU 120-130 165-170 High 60 + + + 25 A/B Bilayer film combining a strong adhesive
and a high chemical resistant barrier

* A : Adhesive B : Barrier S : PE Carrier

Pobierz nasz katalog

Technologie do aplikacji naszych Folii

Gorące Powietrze

  • Leister Technologies

Prasa Płaska

  • Practix Manufacturing

  • Schott & Meissner

Podczerwone światło

Prasa nieruchoma

  • OMS Group

  • Practix Manufacturing



  • Amba Projex

  • Black Bros

  • Crest Dutch Machinery

  • JWS Maschinenfabrik

  • Schott & Meissner

Walec Dywanowy

Ta niewyczerpująca lista ma jedynie charakter informacyjny i nie ma obowiązkowo odpowiednika wśród wielu istniejących dostawców na rynku. Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za wybór który dokonacie i zapraszamy was do kontynuowania poszukiwań w celu znalezienia najbardziej odpowiedniego produktu do waszych potrzeb.